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Our Mission

At Tumble Time, we believe that gymnastics is more than just a sport - it's an opportunity to build confidence, strength, and teamwork. Our mission is to create an environment that fosters growth and positive thinking, where every student can feel supported and encouraged to reach their full potential.Our coaches are dedicated to offering their best as both role models and educators. Together, we help students overcome fears and obstacles while building strength and confidence in their own unique way.


 Founder & Head Coach
Alysa Baroch

Our founder, Alysa Baroch, has been coaching competitive and recreational gymnastics on the East Coast for over a decade. Her passion for teaching gymnastics to children led her to create Tumble Time, a program that brings gymnastics right to your home and community in a fun, convenient way. Our talented instructors use their skills and experiences to create a program that not only teaches children gymnastics but also provides them with the confidence and skills to succeed in life.

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